For the monarch and other butterflies, rain storms are not a trivial matter. I saw a video recently that said butterflies rest during rainstorms. I imagine butterflies do not want the heavy rain drops to damage their wings. Instinctually, butterflies knows when to rest and when to fly about their business. These delicate insects are aware of their environment and how different atmospheric conditions will influence their bodies. God gifted butterflies the ability to transform their being to survive various life processes. Wisdom gifts us with awareness of self, but do we listen to the wisdom our bodies speak?
Proverbs 2:10-11 ICB
You will have wisdom in your heart.
And knowledge will be pleasing to you. Good sense will protect you.
Understanding will guard you.
God of Wisdom,
Often times we cannot discern what is best: when to give our most costly for the sake of Love or when to rest instead of pursuing goals.
Give us ears to hear you and eyes to see you in or daily choices. Give us hearts to honor you with our best! Amen!
Prophetess Karen Corriea
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