The virgin will be pregnant. She will have a son, and they will name him Immanuel.” This name means “God is with us.” Mathew 1:23 ICB
Emmanuel, the God who walks with us, I wonder why you would choose to be man’s advocate without selfish gain?
I marvel that you choose me when I did not count you worthy of my gaze. Then your love awakened my heart to know that:
You choose me for love burns brighter than hate.
You choose to walk alongside us for patience sees beyond complaint.
You choose to give your life for you see beyond angry distain.
The Gift to the world, freely given without shame.
Vulnerable as a lamb you came.
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Burst into songs and praise!
The God who willingly accepted servanthood to heal our pain.
December is the season to give. Family and friends will gather across the world to share the joy of love. Many will exchange gifts of all kinds and many gifts will be returned. It makes me consider, “Is an unreceived gift really a gift or a bother?
Jesus is the Gift to the world given because Love chooses to receive you and I as a precious gift. Will you receive Jesus today?
By: Prophet Karen Corriea
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