At the start of a new year many are energized to make resolutions and change their lives in some fashion. Like previous years, many will fail to keep their resolutions despite their best intentions. It is a difficult challenge for us humans to break well established patterns and habits. However, our Jewish, Christian faith heritage can support our wills to shift paradigms and in so doing strengthen and repair our psychological walls.
Walls to a city historically protected it. The city of Jerusalem like many ancient cities was built with walls and gates. Armed with knowledge, leaders with authority would permit or disallow the flow of goods and people to flow in and out of Jerusalem for her prosperity. However, the breakdown of godly knowledge and the turning away from observing Wisdom’s teaching resulted in Jerusalem’s wall being breached and her treasures robbed. One example of this is when Nebuchadnezzar armies laid siege to Jerusalem. Generations of believers observe the Tenth of Tevet because it marks the onset of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylonia. The siege of Jerusalem was the beginning of the battle that ultimately destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, and sent the Jews into the 70-year Babylonian Exile. The death of Ezra the prophet occurred during Tevet and is remembered on the Tenth of Tevet too. Ezra led the return of the Jews to Jerusalem from their Babylonian exile. The Tenth of Tevet is observed to remember God’s way. Fast is used to repair and strengthen the psychological wall of the will to live rightly before God. The tenth of Tevet will be observed Jan 10, 2025.
The Tenth of Tevet is one of the four fast days that commemorate dark times in Jewish history and it is arguably the most sober fast day. The Tenth of Tevet is viewed as such a severe fast day for the Jews that it is observed even if it falls on a Friday (erev Shabbat), while other fast days are so arranged by calendar adjustments as to never fall on a Friday.
Fasts help us to remember the signpost of our most holy faith. It helps us strengthen and repair our psychological walls so we can better live in alignment with our values and good intentions.
John 6:38-40
Jesus says, “I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me”.
Happy New Year beloved!
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